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Global Honors Program Completion Survey

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Congratulations on completing the Global Honors Program!  We will miss you all so much at Global Honors, but we are excited for all of the exciting adventures that lay ahead for you!

We ask all Global Honors graduates to complete an exit survey when they have finished the program.  We hope you will do this at your earliest convenience.  And thanks in advance - we truly value your feedback!

If you have any questions, please email us at

Please indicate which Global Honors Pathway you completed.

Global Honors Program

Please rate the education you received as a member of the Global Honors Program.

Advising & Resources

Future Plans/Staying Connected

If you are interested in staying involved in Global Honors, what are some ways you'd like to connect?
May we use the comments you have made in this survey for Program publicity purposes (eg. on the Global Honors website, newsletters, flyers, etc.)?