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Supervisor Orientation
This Orientation is for any newly hired supervisors or for current employees who recently took on supervising responsibilities. It’s also great for experienced supervisors who want a refresh on policies and practice. This orientation will cover employee types, time entry and leave policies, the hire process, performance management and other topics. The orientation is offered via Zoom the 2nd Friday of every other month at 10am and will be 90 minutes. Please find the available dates and register here. You will receive a Zoom Outlook invitation within a week after registering. The topics will be most relevant to supervisors of staff as opposed to supervisors of students.
Hiring Process
Find the right resources for various job classifications, from creating a new position to extending an offer to the right candidate and everything in between.
Resources for New Employees
Starting a job at UW can be overwhelming for both new employee and hiring manager. The onboarding process is a key part in ensuring a positive lasting relationship. UW Tacoma HR has put together a list of materials and links to help guide new employees through their first months.
Alternate Work Arrangements
The University encourages the adoption of non-traditional work arrangements when they work to the advantage of both the employee and the unit. There are several factors to consider. Adoption of a non-traditional work arrangement requires the supervisor's and/or unit administrator's advance approval in writing, and is based on their determination that the arrangement will work for all concerned.
Performance Evaluation
An important part of an employee's ongoing development at UW Tacoma are consistent performance evaluations. Learn more about how and when you should be conducting these. Additional resources are available on the UW Seattle website, including the supervisor’s guide for performance management.
Rewards, Recognition & Incentives
No one knows how hard an employee works better than their supervisor. UW Tacoma HR has put together resources on how to acknowledge your employees' great work as well as encourage growth. Also see Employee Engagement.
Additional Resources
- Required Training
- Employee Experience Toolkit
- Disability Accommodations Process - the Manager's Role
- Management and Leadership Development online resources
- UWHR - Find Manager Resources under Workplace Essentials
- Ethics
- Organization Development
- Organizational Restructuring
- Outside Work
- Overtime and Timekeeping
- Pay and Classification
- SafeCampus (Violence Prevention)