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Shooq Alhathelool: Global Perspective

Getting her degree in finance at UW Tacoma is, for Shooq Alhathelool, a chance to broaden her perspective and bring that understanding with her when she returns to Saudi Arabia.

November 15, 2017

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Pranab Baidya: Sharing His 'Amazing Experience'

Senior Pranab Baidya, who is studying information technology, decided to become a resident advisor at Court 17 this year as a way of sharing with others his "amazing" campus experience.

September 26, 2017

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Sayana Saithu: The Poetry of the Presentation

Sayana Saithu, a graduate student in UW Tacoma's Institute of Technology, has won the first round of the Present Around the World contest. Next stop, Orlando.

August 29, 2017